Greg McCoy

Software Developer

Delhi, Ontario, Canada — greg(at)

Experienced Software Developer with extensive experience with Python and frameworks like Django, Flask and FastAPI. I have set-up and maintained multiple CI/CD pipelines in production environments. I have experience using Docker and administering Kubernetes clusters in production environments.

Work Experience

Software Developer at Indoc Research

September 2020 - Present

Indoc is a not-for-profit company that helps medical research teams manage, share and analyze their complex data. Most of the code I developed is open source and available at:

  • Developed FastAPI and Flask microservices
  • Setup RBAC authorization and JWT authentication
  • Handled setup and migrations for large amounts of data in Postgres and Neo4j
  • Responsible for code review
  • Worked on End-to-end Encryption solutions for sensitive data
  • Wrote unit tests

Lead Full-stack Developer at GFA World

November 2015 – September 2020

GFA World is a large non-profit. I oversaw development of there Python/Django eCommerance website.

  • Developed Order and Checkout pages that processes millions of dollar of donations annually
  • Intergrated multiple payment providers
  • Worked with other developers and participated in code review processes
  • Setup CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins and later Gitlab
  • Migrated main website to Kubernetes cluster
  • Extensive work with API to communicate between applications.

Open Source Projects

Pilot Data Platform

Opensource platform developed at Indoc Research to help securly store and share medical information.

View on Github


A simple private photoshare, built for my personal use using Django.

View on Gitlab


Python (Django, Flask, FastAPI)

  • Managed a large ecommerce Django site
  • Wrote multiple microservices in Flask and FastAPI
  • Extensive use of SQLAlchemy, Alembic and Django migrations


  • Migrated Production eCommerce site to Kuberentes
  • Used Nginx and Redis containers alongside Django and Flask applications


  • Setup CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins and Gitlab to test and deploy to Kubernetes
  • Experience with Github actions

Other skills: Javascript, HTML, CSS, SQL, Redis, Git, Linux, Ansible, Google Cloud Platform


Software Engineering Technology Diploma

Conestoga College, Kitchener Ontario

September 2013 - April 2015